วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Top Ten Tools for E-learning 2008

The top ten most frequently mentioned on 2008 lists by other teachers, instructional designers and online learning specialists are:

Skype – host IM chat, conference and international calls
Del.icio.us - store, tag and share bookmarks online, valuable resource for finding others’ favorite sites
GoogleDocs - write documents to share, store, present and access from anywhere via the web (no more emailing drafts); import docs from MS Office and Open Office
Google Reader - aggregate and read all your news and blog feeds in this free web-based reader
Audacity- record podcasts and edit audio files
Google Search – research topics with this highly-regarded and powerful Web searching tool
Camtasia - record your computer screen to create training videos or screencasts
Articulate – create tutorials and quizzes with three tools – Presenter converts PowerPoints to Flash tutorials with narration, Engage adds interactivity, and Quizmaker creates Flash-based tests and surveys
Captivate - create flash cards and interactive simulations for self-paced online learning
SnagIt - capture, edit and print screen images and make a video of on-screen actions

Source: Tech Tips for Educators (http://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/blog/2008/01/experts-top-ten-e-learning-tools-for.html)

